
On this page we post our project publications divided into four categories: Research publications, Press releases, Public deliverables, Media.

Essers, R., Lebedev, I.N., Kurg, A. et al. Prevalence of chromosomal alterations in first-trimester spontaneous pregnancy loss. Nature Medicine, 29(12), 3233–3242.

Lawarde, A., Rahmani, E. S., Nath, A., Lavõgina, D., Jaal, J., Salumets, A., & Modhukur, V. (2024). ExplORRNet: An interactive web tool to explore stage-wise miRNA expression profiles and their interactions with mRNA and lncRNA in human breast and gynecological cancers. Non-coding RNA Research, 9(1), 125–140.

Minha, S., Vaikjärv, R., Parm, Ü., Kasenõmm, P., Kõljalg, S., Sepp, E., Jaagura, M., Salumets, A., Štšepetova, J., & Mändar, R. (2023). Unveiling the etiology of peritonsillar abscess using next generation sequencing. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 22(1).

Khatun, M., Lundin, K., Naillat, F., Loog, L., Saarela, U., Tuuri, T., Salumets, A., Piltonen, T., & Tapanainen, J. S. (2023). Induced pluripotent stem cells as a possible approach for exploring the pathophysiology of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Stem Cell Reviews and Reports.

Tarvainen, I., Soto, D. A., Laws, M. J., Björvang, R. D., Damdimopoulos, A., Roos, K., Li, T., Kramer, S., Li, Z., Lavogina, D., Visser, N., Kallak, T. K., Lager, S., Gidlöf, S., Edlund, E., Papaikonomou, K., Öberg, M., Olovsson, M., Salumets, A., Velthut-Meikas, A.,  Flaws, J.A., Damdimopoulou, P. (2023). Identification of phthalate mixture exposure targets in the human and mouse ovary in vitro. Reproductive Toxicology, 119, 108393.

Goel, R., Modhukur, V., Täär, K., Salumets, A., Sharma, R., & Peters, M. (2023). Users’ Concerns about endometriosis on social Media: Sentiment analysis and topic Modeling study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e45381.

Pathare, A. D. S., Loid, M., Saare, M., Gidlöf, S., Esteki, M. Z., Acharya, G., Peters, M., & Salumets, A. (2023). Endometrial receptivity in women of advanced age: an underrated factor in infertility. Human Reproduction Update.

Hassan, J., Knuus, K., Lahtinen, A., Rooda, I., Otala, M., Tuuri, T., Gidlöf, S., Edlund, E., Menezes, J., Malmros, J., Byström, P., Sundin, M., Langenskiöld, C., Vogt, H., Frisk, P., Petersen, C., Damdimopoulou, P., & Jahnukainen, K. (2023). Reference standards for follicle density in ovarian cortex from birth to sexual maturity. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 103287.

Pathare, A. D. S., Saare, M., Meltsov, A., Lawarde, A., Modhukur, V., Kalinina, A., Sekavin, A., Kukushkina, V., Karro, H., Salumets, A., & Peters, M. (2023). The cervical transcriptome changes during the menstrual cycle but does not predict the window of implantation. Frontiers in Reproductive Health, 5.

Kovács, Z., Reidy, F., Glover, L., McAuliffe, F. M., Stöckmann, H., Kilbane, M., Twomey, P. J., Peters, M., Saare, M., Rudd, P. M., Utt, M., Wingfield, M., Salumets, A., & Saldova, R. (2023). N-glycans from serum IgG and total serum glycoproteins specific for endometriosis. Scientific Reports, 13(1).

Koort, K., Sõsa, K., Türk, S., Lapp, E., Talving, E., Karits, P., Rosenstein, K., Jaagura, M., Sekavin, A., Sõritsa, D., Haldre, K., Karro, H., Korrovits, P., Salumets, A. and Mändar, R. Lactobacillus crispatus-dominated vaginal microbiome and Acinetobacter-dominated seminal microbiome support beneficial ART outcome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023; 102: 921-934.

Brentjens, L. S., Obukhova, D., Hartog, J. D., Delvoux, B., Koskivuori, J., Auriola, S., Häkkinen, Bui, B., Van Hoogenhuijze, N., Mackens, S., Mol, F., De Bruin, J., Besselink, D., Teklenburg, G., Kukushkina, V., Salumets, A., Broekmans, F., Van Golde, R., Esteki, M. Z., & Romano, A. (2023). An integrative analysis of endometrial steroid metabolism and transcriptome in relation to endometrial receptivity in in vitro fertilization patients. F&S Science.

Altmäe, S., Sola-Leyva, A. and Salumets, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe? Reproductive Biomedicine Online.

Rahmioglu, N., Mortlock, S., Ghiasi, M., Møller, P.L., Stefansdottir, L., Galarneau, G., Turman, C., Danning, R., Law, M.H., Sapkota, Y., Christofidou, P., Skarp, S., Giri, A., Banasik, K., Krassowski, M., Lepamets, M., Marciniak, B., Nõukas, M., Perro, D. and Sliz, E. (2023). The genetic basis of endometriosis and comorbidity with other pain and inflammatory conditions. Nature Genetics, 55(3), pp.423–436.

Mändar, R., Sõerunurk, G., Štšepetova, J., Smidt, I., Rööp, T., Kõljalg, S., Saare, M., Ausmees, K., Le, D. D., Jaagura, M., Piiskop, S., Tamm, H., & Salumets, A. (2023). Impact of Lactobacillus crispatus-containing oral and vaginal probiotics on vaginal health: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Beneficial Microbes, 14(2), 143–152.

Laudański, P., Rogalska, G., Warzecha, D., Lipa, M., Mańka, G., Kiecka, M., Spaczyński, R., Piekarski, P., Banaszewska, B., Jakimiuk, A., Issat, T., Rokita, W., Młodawski, J., Szubert, M., Sieroszewski, P., Raba, G., Szczupak, K., Kluz, T., Kluza, M. and Neuman, T. (2023). Autoantibody screening of plasma and peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis. Human Reproduction, 38(4), pp.629–643.

Li, T., Vazakidou, P., Leonards, P., Damdimopoulos, A., Panagiotou, E., Arnelo, C., Jansson, K., Pettersson, K., Papaikonomou, K., Van Duursen, M. B., & Damdimopoulou, P. (2023). Identification of biomarkers and outcomes of endocrine disruption in human ovarian cortex using In Vitro Models. Toxicology, 485, 153425.

Yoshihara, M., Wagner, M., Damdimopoulos, A., Zhao, C., Petropoulos, S., Katayama, S., Kere, J., Lanner, F. and Damdimopoulou, P. (2023). The Continued Absence of Functional Germline Stem Cells in Adult Ovaries. Stem Cells, 41(2), pp.105–110.

Yoshihara, M., Wagner, M., Damdimopoulos, A., Zhao, C., Petropoulos, S., Katayama, S., Kere, J., Lanner, F., & Damdimopoulou, P. (2023). In reply: Revisiting claims of the continued absence of functional germline stem cells in adult ovaries. Stem Cells, 41(2), 205–206.

Bellavia, A., Zou, R., Björvang, R. D., Roos, K., Sjunnesson, Y., Hallberg, I., Holte, J., Pikki, A., Lenters, V., Portengen, L., Koekkoek, J., Lamoree, M., Van Duursen, M., Vermeulen, R., Salumets, A., Velthut-Meikas, A., & Damdimopoulou, P. (2023). Association between chemical mixtures and female fertility in women undergoing assisted reproduction in Sweden and Estonia. Environmental Research, 216, 114447. 

Auvinen, P., Vehviläinen, J., Marjonen, H., Modhukur, V., Sokka, J., Wallén, E., Rämö, K., Ahola, L., Salumets, A., Otonkoski, T., Skottman, H., Ollikainen, M., Trokovic, R., Kahila, H. and Kaminen-Ahola, N. (2022). Chromatin modifier developmental pluripotency associated factor 4 (DPPA4) is a candidate gene for alcohol-induced developmental disorders. BMC Medicine, 20(1).

Naydenov, M., Nikolova, M., Apostolov, A., Glogovitis, I., Salumets, A., Baev, V. and Yahubyan, G. (2022). The Dynamics of miR-449a/c Expression during Uterine Cycles Are Associated with Endometrial Development. Biology, 12(1), p.55.

Roos, K., Rooda, I., Keif, R. S., Liivrand, M., Smolander, O. P., Salumets, A., & Velthut-Meikas, A. (2022). Single-cell RNA-seq analysis and cell-cluster deconvolution of the human preovulatory follicular fluid cells provide insights into the pathophysiology of ovarian hyporesponse. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13.

Koel, M., Krjutškov, K., Saare, M., Samuel, K., Lubenets, D., Katayama, S., Einarsdottir, E., Vargas, E., Sola-Leyva, A., Lalitkumar, P. G., Gemzell-Danielsson, K., Blesa, D., Simon, C., Lanner, F., Kere, J., Salumets, A., & Altmäe, S. (2022). Human endometrial cell-type-specific RNA sequencing provides new insights into the embryo-endometrium interplay. Human Reproduction Open.

Koeck, R.M., Busato, F., Tost, J., Zandstra, H., Remy, S., Langie, S., Gielen, M., van Golde, R., Dumoulin, J.C.M., Brunner, H., Zamani Esteki, M. and van Montfoort, A.P.A. (2022). At age 9, the methylome of assisted reproductive technology children that underwent embryo culture in different media is not significantly different on a genome-wide scale. Human Reproduction, 37(11), pp.2709–2721. 

van Dijk, W., Derks, K., Drüsedau, M., Meekels, J., Koeck, R., Essers, R., Dreesen, J., Coonen, E., de Die-Smulders, C., Stevens, S.J.C., Brunner, H.G., van den Wijngaard, A., Paulussen, A.D.C. and Zamani Esteki, M. (2022). Embryo tracking system for high-throughput sequencing-based preimplantation genetic testing. Human Reproduction, 37(11), pp.2700–2708.

Lavogina, D., Visser, N., Samuel, K., Davey, E., Björvang, R. D., Hassan, J., Koponen, J., Rantakokko, P., Kiviranta, H., Rinken, A., Olovsson, M., Salumets, A., & Damdimopoulou, P. (2022). Endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with decidualization of human primary endometrial stromal cells in vitro. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13. 

Méar, L., Sutantiwanichkul, T., Östman, J., Damdimopoulou, P., & Lindskog, C. (2022). Spatial proteomics for further exploration of missing proteins: a case study of the ovary. Journal of Proteome Research, 22(4), 1071–1079.

Panagiotou, E.M., Draskau, M.K., Li, T., Hirschberg, A., Svingen, T. and Damdimopoulou, P. (2022). AOP key event relationship report: Linking decreased androgen receptor activation with decreased granulosa cell proliferation of gonadotropin-independent follicles. Reproductive Toxicology, 112, pp.136–147.

Koeck, R.M., Busato, F., Tost, J., Consten, D., van Echten-Arends, J., Mastenbroek, S., Wurth, Y., Remy, S., Langie, S., Nawrot, T.S., Plusquin, M., Alfano, R., Bijnens, E.M., Gielen, M., van Golde, R., Dumoulin, J.C.M., Brunner, H., van Montfoort, A.P.A. and Zamani Esteki, M. (2022). Methylome-wide analysis of IVF neonates that underwent embryo culture in different media revealed no significant differences. npj Genomic Medicine, 7(1). 

Peters, M., Mikeltadze, I., Karro, H., Saare, M., Metspalu, A., Nelis, M., Milani, L., Hudjashov, G., Esko, T., Salumets, A., Mägi, R. and Laisk, T. (2022). Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome: similarities and differences in the spectrum of comorbidities. Human Reproduction, 37(9), pp.2186–2196.

Saare, M., Lawarde, A., Modhukur, V., Mikeltadze, I., Karro, H., Minajeva, A., Salumets, A., & Peters, M. (2022). The expression pattern of endometrial receptivity genes is desynchronized between endometrium and matched endometriomas. Reproductive BioMedicine Online.

Nguyen, A.T.C., Le Nguyen, N.T., Hoang, T.T.A., Nguyen, T.T., Tran, T.T.Q., Tran, D.N.T., Nguyen, A.T.K., Tran, L.M., Nguyen, D.H.C., Le, T.M., Ho, B.D., Rööp, T., Kõljalg, S., Štšepetova, J., Van Le, A., Salumets, A. and Mändar, R. (2022). Aerobic vaginitis in the third trimester and its impact on pregnancy outcomes. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1).

Vargas, E., García-Moreno, E., Aghajanova, L., Salumets, A., Horcajadas, J. A., Esteban, F. J., & Altmäe, S. (2022). The mid-secretory endometrial transcriptomic landscape in endometriosis: a meta-analysis. Human Reproduction Open, 2022(2). 

Lavogina, D., Lust, H., Tahk, M.-J., Laasfeld, T., Vellama, H., Nasirova, N., Vardja, M., Eskla, K.-L., Salumets, A., Rinken, A. and Jaal, J. (2022). Revisiting the Resazurin-Based Sensing of Cellular Viability: Widening the Application Horizon. Biosensors, 12(4), p.196.

von Grothusen, C., Frisendahl, C., Modhukur, V., Lalitkumar, P.G., Peters, M., Faridani, O.R., Salumets, A., Boggavarapu, N.R. and Gemzell-Danielsson, K. (2022). Uterine fluid microRNAs are dysregulated in women with recurrent implantation failure. Human Reproduction, 37(4), pp.734–746.

Zhytnik, L., Peters, M., Tilk, K., Reimand, T., Ilisson, P., Kahre, T., Murumets, Ü., Ehrenberg, A., Ustav, E.-L., Tõnisson, N., Mölder, S., Teder, H., Krjutškov, K. and Salumets, A. (2022). Prenatal diagnosis of a 46,XY karyotype female fetus with an SRY-associated gonadal dysgenesis, conceived through an intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a case report. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1).

Lüll, K., Saare, M., Peters, M., Kakhiani, E., Zhdanova, A., Salumets, A., Boyarsky, K. and Org, E. (2022). Differences in microbial profile of endometrial fluid and tissue samples in women with in vitro fertilization failure are driven by Lactobacillus abundance. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 101(2), pp.212–220.

Modhukur, V., Sharma, S., Mondal, M., Lawarde, A., Kask, K., Sharma, R. and Salumets, A. (2021). Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Primary and Metastatic Cancers Using Tissue of Origin-Based DNA Methylation Profiles. Cancers, 13(15), p.3768.

Paluoja, P., Teder, H., Ardeshirdavani, A., Bayindir, B., Vermeesch, J., Salumets, A., Krjutškov, K. and Palta, P. (2021). Systematic evaluation of NIPT aneuploidy detection software tools with clinically validated NIPT samples. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(12), p.e1009684.

Nikolova, M., Naydenov, M., Glogovitis, I., Apostolov, A., Saare, M., Boggavarapu, N., Salumets, A., Baev, V. and Yahubyan, G. (2021). Coupling miR/isomiR and mRNA Expression Signatures Unveils New Molecular Layers of Endometrial Receptivity. Life, 11(12), p.1391.

Simón-Gracia, L., Kiisholts, K., Petrikaitė, V., Tobi, A., Saare, M., Lingasamy, P., Peters, M., Salumets, A. and Teesalu, T. (2021). Homing Peptide-Based Targeting of Tenascin-C and Fibronectin in Endometriosis. Nanomaterials, 11(12), p.3257.

Rooda, I., Kaselt, B., Liivrand, M., Smolander, O.-P., Salumets, A. and Velthut-Meikas, A. (2021). Hsa-mir-548 family expression in human reproductive tissues. BMC Genomic Data, 22(1).

Kiisholts, K., Kurrikoff, K., Arukuusk, P., Porosk, L., Peters, M., Salumets, A. and Langel, Ü. (2021). Cell-Penetrating Peptide and siRNA-Mediated Therapeutic Effects on Endometriosis and Cancer In Vitro Models. Pharmaceutics, 13(10), p.1618.

Schobers, G., Koeck, R., Pellaers, D., Stevens, S.J.C., Macville, M.V.E., Paulussen, A.D.C., Coonen, E., van den Wijngaard, A., de Die-Smulders, C., de Wert, G., Brunner, H.G. and Zamani Esteki, M. (2021). Liquid biopsy: state of reproductive medicine and beyond. Human Reproduction, 36(11), pp.2824–2839.

Khatun, M., Meltsov, A., Lavogina, D., Loid, M., Kask, K., Arffman, R.K., Rossi, H.-R., Lättekivi, F., Jääger, K., Krjutškov, K., Rinken, A., Salumets, A. and Piltonen, T.T. (2021). Decidualized endometrial stromal cells present with altered androgen response in PCOS. Scientific Reports, 11(1).

Zhytnik, L., Peters, M., Tilk, K., Simm, K., Tõnisson, N., Reimand, T., Maasalu, K., Acharya, G., Krjutškov, K. and Salumets, A. (2021). From late fatherhood to prenatal screening of monogenic disorders: evidence and ethical concerns. Human Reproduction Update, 27(6), pp.1056–1085.

Lavogina, D., Stepanjuk, A., Peters, M., Samuel, K., Kasvandik, S., Khatun, M., Arffman, R.K., Enkvist, E., Viht, K., Kopanchuk, S., Lättekivi, F., Velthut-Meikas, A., Uri, A., Piltonen, T.T., Rinken, A. and Salumets, A. (2021). Progesterone triggers Rho kinase-cofilin axis during in vitro and in vivo endometrial decidualization. Human Reproduction, 36(8), pp.2230–2248.

Läänelaid, S., Ortega, F.B., Kunovac Kallak, T., Joelsson, L., Ruiz, J.R., Hreinsson, J., Wånggren, K., Stavreus-Evers, A., Kalda, R., Salumets, A. and Altmäe, S. (2021). Physical and Sedentary Activities in Association with Reproductive Outcomes among Couples Seeking Infertility Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), p.2718.

Viljakus esitab ühiskonnale ja paaridele palju väljakutseid. Seminaril arutleti lähemalt reproduktiivmeditsiini teemade üle (Eng. Fertility poses many challenges for society and couples. The seminar took a closer look at reproductive medicine issues.), 31.10.2023, University of Tartu

Seminaril võetakse luubi alla reproduktiivmeditsiin (Eng. Seminar focuses on reproductive medicine), 22.09.2023, University of Tartu

Barlova teadusõhtu „Let’s chill ehk viljakuse säilitamise sajand?“ (Eng. „Barlova Science Night “Let’s chill or the century of fertility preservation?”), 26.05.2023, University of Tartu

Uuring paljastas geenid, mis annavad lootust viljatutele paaridele“, (Eng. “Study reveals genes that give hope to infertile couples”), 10.11.2022, University of Tartu

Tartu teadlased tõstavad loote kromosoomiuuringu tipptasemele(Eng. “Tartu researchers take fetal chromosome screening to the cutting edge”), 23.09.2022, University of Tartu

Tartu Ülikooli Kliinilise meditsiini instituudi töö pälvis rahvusvahelise teaduspreemia(Eng. “Research from the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the University of Tartu wins international research award”), 25.08.2022, University of Tartu

Novel DNA analysis technology improves accuracy of prenatal screening“, 28.10.2021, University of Tartu

Uus DNA-analüüsi tehnoloogia muudab loote sõeluuringu täpsemaks(Eng. “Novel DNA analysis technology improves accuracy of prenatal screening”), 27.10.2021, University of Tartu

A genetic study revealed the causes behind the side effects of infertility treatment“, 13.09.2021, University of Tartu

Geeniuuringu käigus avastati viljatusravi kõrvaltoimete põhjused(Eng. “A genetic study revealed the causes behind the side effects of infertility treatment”), 23.08.2021, University of Tartu

Suurima toetuslepingute mahuga meditsiiniteadlaste TOP 5(Eng. „TOP5 largest grants of UT medical researchers“), 05.02.2021, University of Tartu

Andres Salumets became the first Estonian to be appointed professor of Karolinska Institute“, 07.12.2020, University of Tartu

Andres Salumets nimetati esimese eestlasena Karolinska Instituudi professoriks(Eng. “Andres Salumets became the first Estonian to be appointed professor of Karolinska Institute”), 26.11.2020, University of Tartu

No public deliverables yet.

Elina Aleksejeva: lapse saamise (gen)eetilised innovatsioonid” (Eng. “Elina Aleksejeva: (Gen)ethical innovations in childbearing”), 14.12.2023, Novaator

Kuni 70 protsenti rasedustest võib katkeda geneetilistel põhjustel” (Eng. “Up to 70 percent of pregnancies may be miscarried for genetic reasons”), 27.11.2023, Aktuaalne Kaamera

“Kadri Simm juurdleb eetiliste otsuste üle” (Eng. “Kadri Simm reflects on ethical decisions”), November 2023, Universitas Tartuensis

Kadri Simm ja Kairi Kreegipuu: milleks on vaja teaduseetikat?” (Eng. „Kadri Simm and Kairi Kreegipuu: why do we need science ethics?“), 15.08.2023 ERR

Põhjalikumad kromosoomhaiguste uuringud välistaks tuvastamata kromosoomhaigusega laste sünni. Miks neid kõigile rasedatele ei pakuta?” (Eng. “More comprehensive chromosome disease testing would rule out the birth of children with an undetected chromosome disease. Why are they not offered to all pregnant women?”), 09.08.2023, Pere & Kodu

Тартуские ученые усовершенствовали метод диагностики хромосомных заболеваний (Eng. „Tartu scientists have improved the method of diagnosing chromosomal diseases“), 03.08.2023, ERR новости

Estonian science podcast “Genoomiline”, 02.08.2023, Spotify

Nüüdsest saab Eestis tuvastada sõeluuringuga loote harvikhaigusi” (Eng. „Rare foetal diseases can now be detected by screening in Estonia“), 02.08.2023, Pealinn

Esmakordselt Eestis tuvastab sõeluuring ka loote harvikhaigusi” (Eng. “For the first time in Estonia, screening also detects rare foetal diseases”), 02.08.2023, Lõunaeestlane

Esmakordselt Eestis tuvastab sõeluuring ka loote harvikhaigusi” (Eng. “For the first time in Estonia, screening also detects rare foetal diseases”), 02.08.2023, tervisegeenius

Raskest harvikhaigusest saavad vanemad teada juba varajases raseduses” (Eng. “Parents can learn about serious rare diseases early in pregnancy”), 01.08.2023, Postimees

Soome-Eesti ühisuuring toob selgust vastsündinute alkoholikahjustuse tekkepõhjusesse” (Eng. “Joint Finnish-Estonian study sheds light on causes of alcohol-related harm in newborns”), 18.01.2023, Postimees

More factors affect women’s fertility than is believed“, 19.12.2022, Research in Estonia

Naiste viljakust mõjutab arvatust rohkem tegureid(Eng. “More factors than thought influence female fertility”), 09.12.2022, Novaator

Uuring paljastas geenid, mis annavad lootust viljatutele paaridele(Eng. “Study reveals genes that give hope to infertile couples”), 09.11.2022, tervisegeenius

Uuring paljastas geenid, mis annavad lootust viljatutele paaridele(Eng. “Study reveals genes that give hope to infertile couples”), 09.11.2022, Postimees

Uus tehnoloogia võimaldab veel sündimata lapsel tuvastada 12 haigust(Eng. “New technology allows 12 diseases to be detected in unborn babies”), 01.10.2022, Saarte Hääl

TV interview about screening microdeletions with non-invasive prenatal testing (in Estonian), 29.09.2022, ETV (starting from 01:33:30)

Tipptasemel kromosoomiuuring: uus tehnoloogia tuvastab lootel 12 kromosoomhaigust(Eng. “Cutting-edge chromosome screening: new technology detects 12 fetal chromosomal diseases”), 23.09.2022, tervisegeenius

Tartu teadlased tõstavad loote kromosoomiuuringu tipptasemele (Eng. “Tartu researchers take fetal chromosome screening to the cutting edge”), 23.09.2022, Postimees

Тартуские ученые разработали метод диагностики хромосомных заболеваний плода(Eng. “Tartu scientists have developed a method for diagnosing fetal chromosomal diseases”), 23.09.2022, ERR новости

New technology detects 12 chromosomal abnormalities in early pregnancy“, 23.09.2022, ERR News

Uus tehnoloogia tuvastab lootel 12 kromosoomihaigust(Eng. “New technology detects 12 chromosomal diseases in the foetus”), 22.09.2022, Aktuaalne Kaamera

Kadri Simm: otsustusõigus, kas saada emaks, peaks olema just naistel(Eng. “Kadri Simm: It should be up to women to decide whether or not to become mothers”), 27.06.2022, Vikerraadio

Radio interview about Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and genomic research (in Estonian), 26.01.2022, Kuku Radio

Tehisintellekt analüüsib loote kromosoome aina varem ja täpsemini(Eng. „AI provides an earlier and more accurate analysis of foetal chromosomes“), 11.01.2022, Postimees

Tehisintellekt analüüsib loote kromosoome aina varem ja täpsemini(Eng. „AI provides an earlier and more accurate analysis of foetal chromosomes“), 11.01.2022, tervisegeenius

Uus DNA-analüüsi tehnoloogia muudab loote sõeluuringu täpsemaks(Eng. “Novel DNA analysis technology improves the accuracy of prenatal screening”), 27.10.2021, Postimees

Eestlaste loodud DNA-analüüsi tehnoloogia muudab loote sõeluuringu täpsemaks(Eng. “DNA analysis technology created by Estonians improves the accuracy of prenatal screening”), 27.10.2021, tervisegeenius

Tervise-Tak andis eriolukorra ajal rasedatele meelerahu(Eng. „CCHT provided a peace of mind for pregnant women during the state of emergency“), 30.09.2021, Tartu Postimees

A genetic study revealed the causes behind the side effects of infertility treatment“, 10.09.2021, Research in Estonia

Geeniuuringu käigus avastati viljatusravi kõrvaltoimete põhjused(Eng. “A genetic study revealed the causes behind the side effects of infertility treatment”), 23.08.2021, Postimees

Geeniuuringu käigus avastati viljatusravi kõrvaltoimete põhjused(Eng. “A genetic study revealed the causes behind the side effects of infertility treatment”), 23.08.2021, tervisegeenius

Kaarel Krjutškov: tähelepanu, hiinlased noolivad Eesti rasedate ja loodete geeniandmeid(Eng. “Kaarel Krjutškov: The Chinese are targeting the genetic data of Estonian pregnant women and their foetuses”), 01.08.2021, Eesti Päevaleht

„Se upp för gifter på loppis“ (Eng. “Toxin-free shopping at flea market”), 01.07.2021, ETC

“Kvinnor med höga halter kemikalier kan ha svårt att få barn” (Eng. “Women with high levels of chemicals may have difficulties having children”), 02.05.2021, TV4

“Höga halter miljögifter kan påverka kvinnors fertilitet” (Eng. interview about chemicals and fertility in women), 02.05.2021, Sveriges Radio

“Så minskar du riskerna med plast i ditt hem” (Eng. “How to reduce risks with plastics at home”), 18.04.2021, SVT Nyheter

“13 faktorer som minskar er fertilitet” (Eng. “13 factors that reduce your fertility”), 18.04.2021, Aftonbladet

Test, mis tagab lapseootaja südamerahu(Eng. “The test that ensures the peace of mind of the expectant mother”), 18.03.2021, Saarte Hääl

Andres Salumets: teise naise munaraku abil lapse saamine võiks olla Eestis tasuta(Eng. “Andres Salumets: Having a child with another woman’s egg should be free in Estonia”), 11.01.2021, Eesti Päevaleht

Professor Andres Salumets hakkab Rootsis viljatusravi edendama(Eng. “Professor Andres Salumets will develop fertility treatment in Sweden”), 09.01.2021, Postimees

„Teflon-kemikaaleja aivoissa − ei niin puhdas alku elämään“ (Eng. „Teflon chemicals in the brain – not such a clean start to life“), 03.09.2020, Kehittyvä Elintarvike