Work packages

The project is structured into 6 work packages which have been structured to achieve the project’s objectives.

WP1 sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.

WP2 ensures efficient overall project management and will strengthen the research management and administration skills of the University of Tartu. The WP includes the following activities: project administration and internal communication; financial management and reporting; Advisory Board formation and operation; study visits and trainings. 

WP3 aims to improve the ethical governance system of reproductive research and innovation. The planned activities are developing a governance model for ethically responsible innovations, publishing reports and case studies, engaging stakeholders, organising science cafes, webinars and seminars. 

WP4 aims to strengthen the research excellence and technical capacity in reproductive medicine while ensuring equity of access. The planned activities include organising workshops, courses, seminars and summer schools; mobility of researchers and ESRs; supervision and mentoring ESRs.  

WP5 improves responsible innovation practices and enhances the capacity for translation of reproductive research and innovations into clinical practice and commercialisation. The activities within this WP include establishing an industry-academia network, ESR traineeship in industry, mentoring researchers and organising workshops. 

WP6 maximises the impact of the project and makes use of the results by exploitation activities. The planned activities are publishing science popularization articles and research papers, participating at international conferences and seminars.